Awarded to an individual with the most visible impact on community development, including
infrastructure, training, and the growth of women entrepreneurs and youth graduates.
Abimbola Ajala (Nigeria)
Through Lend a Hand Africa, Abimbola Ajala’s scholarship programme has transformed
communities in Lagos, reducing teenage pregnancies, gang violence, and school dropout rates.
The initiative has encouraged families to enrol children in education, with beneficiaries now
serving as role models. Community leaders and religious organisations have praised the
programme’s positive impact, which aims to enrol more children in schools in the coming years.
Omotoyosi Adetilewa Odufuye (Nigeria)
Omotoyosi’s Anibi Omotoyosi Foundation (AOF) improves children’s lives through health and
educational interventions. AOF has benefited over 6,000 individuals with medical outreaches,
scholarships, vocational training, and psychosocial support. The Foundation also renovated
facilities in juvenile correctional institutions and provided educational materials and
scholarships to over 500 pupils. AOF aims to expand its impact through strategic partnerships
aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Mallayka Ianna (Kenya)
The ‘Livelihood from Waste’ EnviroSave Project by Mallayka Ianna transforms a volunteer
environmental initiative into a social enterprise. Focused on waste management and
reforestation, the project improves livelihoods in Kenya’s informal settlements. Partnering with
organisations like Blue Cross-Kenya, the project provides life skills training to youth and creates
jobs in urban poor areas. It addresses social issues like poverty while supporting Sustainable
Development Goals, including gender equality and climate action.
Aransiola Erimoroti Motolani (Nigeria)
Through Rhodes YogaNg, Aransiola Tolani’s Project Walk with Me campaign empowers
adolescent girls in underserved Nigerian communities. The campaign, an extension of the
Rhodes Yoga Festival, focuses on yoga, mentorship, skill acquisition, and menstrual hygiene
education, significantly impacting the lives of young girls.